An interdisciplinary project of international character launched in 2019 by visual artist Aleksander Janicki. The official inauguration of the project took place on 22 October in the Malopolska Garden of Arts in Krakow on the occasion of the premiere of the Culture Report. The project is realised in cooperation with the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow. Its seat is the Malopolska Garden of Arts. The first stage of the long-term project is scheduled for 2020-2022.

About Kultura Futura
The Forum is located in the Malopolska Garden of Arts building in the centre of Krakow, but it is based mainly on the digital space of the Internet and the cloud, which constitute a form of virtual agora. This meaning is reflected in the play on words contained in the forum slogan, which reads KOS/MOS and KOSMOS. KOS/MOS - Krakow Open Space / Malopolska Garden of Arts - points to the local seat of the forum. KOSMOS, on the other hand, refers to orbital optics, which makes it possible to look at the present and the future from the perspective of the planet. Both of these optics meet, and locality leads to shaping contemporaneity in a global perspective.
Kultura Futura creates a space for creative dialogue between professionals from different fields and for their competencies to intermingle, which results in futuristic projects offering a new quality of doing science, art or business. It functions through cooperation of creators, engineers, scientists, educators, artists, ecologists, urban activists and all willing citizens. The aim is to create a climate of openness and build a community whose actions create an innovative platform for development.

The project was officially inaugurated on 22 October 2020 in the Malopolska Garden of Arts during the premiere of Raport Kultura. The event featured performances by Aleksander Janicki's Isolation-Confrontation and, at the end, A message from the cloud by Biga Dada Generator and EEG waves. The Culture Futura Forum also took part in the prologue of the Open Eyes Economy Summit 5, 17 November 2020, which featured multimedia projections by forum creator Aleksander Janicki. The artist also took part in the debate "Everything begins with culture and expresses itself through culture".
The concept of the project is to create the city of the future ePolis, which is based on the idea of crossing borders between
- traditionally understood fields of knowledge, creating in effect a holistic project of an interdisciplinary character
- the real and the virtual, which indicates the hybrid character of ePolis;
- local and global, which can only be understood and shaped in their mutual relationship.
The three main thematic platforms of the Forum are:
- new technologies and their impact on human life in the global and local plan (e.g. BigData opportunities);
- the role of trends based on participation - civic attitudes affecting local reality;
- rola twórczości w kontekście nowych aspektów związanych z technologią cyfrową.
The aim of the project is to shape the citizens' awareness of the changes taking place and of the possibility of participating in the creation of the ePolis city of the future. The futurological reflection on the city of the future based on new media art is confronted with the practice of the creative industry and the vision of the future created by research institutes, universities, galleries and corporations in the context of technologies based on digitisation and transformations related to artificial intelligence and VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), XR (eXtended Range) technologies.
An element of the project is the project coordinated by Apteka Janicki Gallery "Isolation-Confrontation", which refers to the experience of a pandemic and related isolation. The contemporary man, however surrounded by advanced technology, is immune to alienation, loneliness and the universal need for contact with another human being. The "Isolation-Confrontation" project is accompanied by the "Thank You" campaign, the aim of which is to show that regardless of technological development, the only way to face reality is through the presence of another human being.